C store inventory software that makes you money!

12/07/2013 09:15
If you’re in the c store and petroleum retail industry, then you know better than most that times are tough these days, and every penny makes a different. So stop wasting your precious time and hard-earned money on inventory items that don’t sell and are thus worthless to you. What you need is an inventory software system that helps you identify dead inventory and get rid of it before it becomes the anchor that drags your business down! 
C-Store Office® is Petrosoft’s internet-based Store Inventory software system, designed to make your business more productive, efficient, and profitable. C-Store Office® has inventory management software that captures scan rates at an item level, so it’s easy to tell which products in your store are slow-selling or dead and you should replace with more profitable items. C-Store Office® also has minimum stocking level and automatic ordering features that optimize your inventory management efficiency, and boost your rate of inventory turnover, which reduces shrinkage and other operating losses you don’t need to deal with. With Petrosoft’s store inventory software, you can be certain that you only have what your customers want, so you can say goodbye to overstocking or inventory expiring, and having a leaner inventory is an easy way of making more money! Click Here
You can call Petrosoft at 888-306-0640 to learn more about our store inventory software, or go online at https://www.cstoreoffice.com/ to request your free demo of C-Store Office® today!